graphic of people standing facing different directions and connected by dots and lines

Governance & Communications

59% of all housing units in Amherst are renter occupied yet renters are often absent from decision-making processes. In a sustainable community, all voices are represented and engaged.

Engaging the Whole Community

Energy and Climate Action Committee

The Energy and Climate Action Committee (ECAC) is comprised of nine (9) voting residents and one (1) non-voting member; the Town Director of Sustainability. The ECAC guides the Town in meeting its climate mitigation and resilience goals.

Engaging the whole community is important so that we get perspectives from a diverse group of folks which ultimately will determine our course of action around climate mitigation and resilience. If you're interested in being a part of the committee and helping us to engage the whole community, please check out the ECAC website for more information. 

three adults standing next to a booth outside

Engaging the Whole Community

Decarbonization Roadmap

The ECAC meetings are recorded and available for the public to view. Following the Town's commitment to engage the whole community, the ECAC has included an educational series in each of the recorded meetings. In this first meeting from September 2022, we hear from Dr. Martha Hanner about the State's Decarbonization Roadmap.

Engaging the Whole Community

Heat Pumps - What, Where, and How Much?

In the second educational series from November 2022, we learn about heat pumps from Loie Hayes of the Green Energy Consumers Alliance and Mike Simons of Adobe Energy Management

Engaging the Whole Community

Weatherization Works

In the third educational series from December 2022, Edison Dika of the Center for EcoTechnology educates Amherst about how Weatherization Works!

Emergency Services and Communications

Why We Prepare

As noted in the town's summary of findings prepared as a component of participation in the state's 2019 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program, Amherst is at a higher risk of things like:

  • increased heat
  • increased precipitation
  • drought
  • extreme weather events like heavy rainfall, hurricanes, and snowstorms.

These hazards create climate risks like increased flooding, power outages, transit interruptions, and damage to trees and infrastructure.

Based on observed weather patterns in Summer 2023, it's easy to see how these predictions are becoming fact. With extended days of extreme heat and many days with heavy rainfall and flood warnings, it's important now more than ever that you are prepared for climate related emergencies. 

photo of a person wearing yellow rain boots standing in water over their ankles
graphic of a cell phone with multiple alerts

Emergency Services and Communications

How to Prepare for Emergencies

One of the best ways to prepare for climate emergencies is by staying informed. The Town of Amherst has an emergency alert system that any resident can and should sign up for. Alerts will be sent regarding emergencies and other non-emergency events that have significant impacts on residents of Amherst. 

What You Can Do

Ways to Get Involved and Prepare for Emergencies

Meeting our goals is not possible unless community members like you take action! Here are some ways you can get more involved in the community and prepare for climate related emergencies

graphic of various items you might find in an emergency preparedness kit